
If you lose something make it count

If you gain something forget about it

I learned something about (on?) post modern-dance technique that i knew nothing about the week prior. that was two weeks ago. i moved in ways my mind was not aware of. i didn’t think i was rolling on the floor, i just rolled. this was during the copycat academy. and with the help of hannah hurtzig, meg stuart and the lovely faculty and participants, i felt accepted doing brand new things. what was good about it was i explored the space of the neither good nor bad and felt loved. by the end of that week, we all had to present something. i developed ideas. ones i wrote down in a notebook with illustrations of what i was thinking. “dance is a result of circumstances”.

In effortlessness, the main accomplishment was to shut my brain off, well no, actually, align it with my muscles so fully that it isn’t being used for any - i have no other word to put, so - “thinking”. (not being “inside my own head”). in effortlessness, the metaphor is a house of cards that i unwound and followed the tumbles, the “crashing downs”. its all “improv”. But i vaguely know how to do that in dance so i improv. There are code words: Release technique and Contact improvisation. I ‘wikipediaed’ them later but that was a waste of time. After that week, I tell these words to dancers cause i think they know them better than me, and they understand. i don’t tell these words to “non-dancers” cause i know i don’t know.

2021 Chris Heller. All Rights Reserved.